parental checklist

Whether you choose our luxury home circumcision service, or our standard in-centre service, please ensure you have followed the checklist below. This will ensure the circumcision runs smoothly and baby is comfortable.

Purchase a pack of 10 Jelonet Paraffin Gauze Dressing 10cm X 10cm (exact size is a must). They can be purchased from either your local pharmacy (bear in mind they may need time to order it in) or online – .

Ensure a minimum of one parent will be available for the first twenty-four hours following the circumcision to tend to the baby.

Where possible, bathe the baby a couple of hours prior to the circumcision.

Both parents must attend the circumcision. If you struggle with English, bring with someone who can translate for you e.g. a friend. If an interpreter will be in attendance, please inform us of this in advance.

Do not feed your baby for a least an hour before the procedure, so that he is hungry and ready for a feed immediately following the procedure.

Please ensure your son is wearing clothing that will allow for easy access to his nappy.

Please bring with you or have present at least ten nappies.

Before undertaking your son’s circumcision, I will discuss the nature of the procedure after which both parents will be required to sign a simple consent form.

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